El Numancia-Barça ja té hora
Primer l´assig de Xàmpions contra el Wisla aquest dimecres 27.08 (que per desgràcia només es retransmetrà per internet), i l´últim dia d´agost, el diumenge 31, a les set del vespre, estrenem la temporada contra el Numància a Los Pajaritos. Es geht los!
Official: Rusminho Joins Barça for €150m

Barça have officially announced the signing of Rusminho from 1.FC Berlin 06. After a whole summer of wheeling and dealing, the Blaugrana have finally captured their man...
A statement released by the Spanish club reads:
“FC Barcelona would like to communicate that an agreement for the permanent transfer of Rusminho has been reached on Thursday evening. Barça will pay €150m for the highly-rated superstar. Rusminho has signed a four year contract."
The new superstar told the press: "My dream has become reality and I am here in Barcelona. Now I want to win as many trophies as possible with the team. I hope to make the Barcelona crowd happy. I am now ready to give everything for my new shirt."